Dreaming of white cat means good luck. - American superstition
To see a white cat on the road is lucky. - American superstition
It is bad luck to see a white cat at night. - American superstition
When moving to a new home, always put the cat through the window instead of the door, so that it will not leave.
- American superstition
When you see a one-eyed cat, spit on your thumb, stamp it in the palm of your hand, and make a wish. The wish
will come true. - American superstition
If a cat washes behind its ears, it will rain. - English superstition
A cat sleeping with all four paws tucked under means cold weather ahead. - English superstition
A strange black cat on your porch brings prosperity. - Scottish superstition
A cat sneezing is a good omen for everyone who hears it. - Italian superstition
In the Netherlands, cats were not allowed in rooms where private family discussions were
going on. The Dutch believed that cats would definitely spread gossips around the town. - Netherlands superstition
To reverse the bad luck curse of a black cat crossing your path, first walk in a circle, then go backward across
the spot where it happened and count to 13.