Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
Pussy cat, pussy cat Where have u been? I've been to London To look at the Queen
Pussy cat, pussy cat What did you there? I frightened a little Mouse Under her chair.
Mother Goose
Cats Sleep Anywhere
Cats sleep anywhere, any table, any chair. Top of piano, window-ledge, in the middle, on the edge. Open
draw, empty shoe, anybody's lap will do. Fitted in a cardboard box, in the cupboard with your frocks. Anywhere! They
don't care! Cats sleep anywhere.
Eleanor Farjeon (1881 - 1965)
Black Cat
A cat as black As blackest coal Is out upon His midnight stroll, His steps are soft, His walk
is slow, His eyes are gold, They flash and glow. And so I run And so I duck, I do not need His black-cat
Two Cats
Two Cats One up a tree One under the tree The cat up a tree is he The cat under the tree is she The
tree is witch elm, just incidentally. He takes no notice of she, she takes no notice of he. He stares at the woolly
clouds passing, she stares at the tree. There's been a lot written about cats, by Old Possum, Yeats and Company But
not Alfred de Musset or Lord Tennyson or Poe or anybody Wrote about one cat under, and one cat up, a tree. God knows
why this should be left for me Except I like cats as cats be Especially one cat up And one cat under A witch elm Tree.
Cat Hair
Cat hair on the bedspread, Cat hair on the chair. Cat hair in the casserole, Cat hair EVERYWHERE
Cat hair on my best coat, Even on the mouse! You live and eat and breathe cat hair, When cats live
in your house.
author unknown
I'm Only a Cat
I'm only a cat, and I stay in my place... Up there on your chair, on your bed or your face!
I'm only a cat, and I don't finick much... I'm happy with cream and anchovies and such!
I'm only a cat, and we'll get along fine... As long as you know I'm not yours... you're all mine!
Author Unknown
Kittens! Kittens!
Kittens kittens everywhere Kittens chewing on my hair Kittens climbing up my jeans Kittens hanging
from the screens There's a kitten on each shoulder Will they do this when they're older?
Kittens fighting on the chairs Kittens tumbling down the stairs There's a kitten on my head There's
a kitten in the bread! There's a kitten in my shoe I don't believe we just have two!
Author Unknown or William Wordsworth
St. Jerome's Cat
St. Jerome in his study kept a great big cat, it's always in his pictures, with its
feet upon the mat. Did he give it milk to drink, in a little dish? When it came to Friday's, did he give it fish?
If I lost my little cat, I'd be sad without it; I should ask St.
Jerome what to do about it.
I should ask St. Jerome, just because of that, for
he's the only saint I know who kept a kitty cat.
Cat Kisses
Sandpaper kisses On a cheek or a chin That is the way for a day to begin!
Sandpaper kisses A cuddle and a purr. I have an alarm clock That's covered in fur!
Nursery Rhyme
A cat came dancing out of a barn With a pair of bag-pipes under her arm; She could sing nothing but, Fiddle
cum fee, The mouse has married the bumble-bee. Pipe, cat; dance, mouse; We'll have a wedding at our good house.
Nursery Rhyme
Diddlety, diddlety, dumpty The cat ran up the plum tree; Half a crown To fetch her down Diddlety,
diddlety, dumpty.